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City Ordinance No. 159

September 04, 2024

To all residents and property owners within the City of Colome
City Ordinance No. 159 requires that all weeds and grass taller than ten (10) inches be cut, mowed, and/or sprayed with an approved chemical. If any grass or weeds exceeding this height are observed seven (7) days following the publication of this notice, the City can, at their discretion, mow and or spray with approved chemical said vegetation at a rate of $100.00 per hour, plus the cost of any chemical used, with a $100.00 minimum. If you have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the city office at 842-0853. Thank you.
Colome City Council

Finance Office

August 16, 2024

New Office Hours Finance Office will be closing every Wednesday starting August 28th ending December 4th at 3:30pm